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  ·   By Rita O'Donnell   ·  Link to Article

State chambers of commerce partner on 'work-based learning'

Dive Brief:

  • A cohort of business groups has partnered to create a state network focused on, among other things, expanding work-based learning. The group, Business Leaders United (BLU), said in a press release the network will include state chambers of commerce, economic development authorities and others.
  • The network will work to develop state policy solutions to drive federal policy around workforce development and secondary education, according to BLU.
  • Specifically, it will work to expand apprenticeship and work-based learning initiatives, arrange financial aid for those seeking to improve their skills and partner with local schools to upskill entry-level workers.

Dive Insight:

Partnerships to upskill workers are popping up across the country. Whether it's non-profit organizations working with tech giants, industry leaders pairing up with education providers or other hybrids, the push to upskill workers in today’s tight talent market is strong.

Governments likewise have a stake in workforce development, and have been taking action; state and local governments have, in recent months, rolled out various initiatives aimed at upskilling citizens. And at the federal level, lawmakers introduced legislation that would incentivize employers to hire and retain workers, especially those who face barriers to employment. Among other things, the bill would subsidize training costs.

Workers appear hungry for learning, but often, employers aren't keeping up; recent data shows some movement, however. Both budgets and interest by leadership for learning programs is on the rise, according to a recent report from LinkedIn Learning, and more employers are working to implement a culture of learning to stay relevant in a challenging marketplace.

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