We had an opportunity to talk to BLU employer Molly Seals, Senior VP of Human Resources and Learning at Mercy Health Partners. She sheds some light on the critical need to prioritize workforce development, and why other employers should get involved with BLU.
BLU: Why is workforce development so important to Mercy Health?
Molly: Workforce development is critical is one of the most important strategies any employer can have to assure current and future success. It will either enable or inhibit every other strategy the employer puts into place. Having the right people in the right place at the right time requires sound workforce development.
BLU: How did you first get involved with BLU?
Molly: I recently became involved with BLU as a result of my work as an executive committee member of CareerSTAT. My work with CareerSTAT and the work of BLU are closely aligned and both involve advocacy for an increased focus on workforce development. CareerSTAT encourages more healthcare employers to make workforce development a focus for their front-line workforce and BLU encourages more legislators to recognize the important needs of employers. And workforce development tops the list in all types of industry.
BLU: What do you value about being a part of BLU?
Molly: BLU connects like-minded employers and helps us prioritize our needs and pool our efforts for the greatest impact in influencing legislators and white house administration.
BLU: Why should other employers get involved in advocating for employer led workforce partnerships?
Molly: For workforce development to be most effective, it must be employer-led. Employers know best the demand side of the equation. They know what jobs they need done and what skills are needed to do that work. More employers should get involved and assure their organization’s or industry’s priorities are represented in the agendas being advanced.
BLU: Recently you were at the White House for the day to talk about UpSkilling, what was that experience like for you?
Molly: It was a great experience. I never imagined having the opportunity to add my voice to that of other employers and share our ideas for innovative prac tices with so many key decision-makers. The opportunity to exchange ideas and thoughts with four of the Administration’s top cabinet members was a very meaningful experience.
BLU: Are there other burning thoughts that you would like to share with your employer peers?
Molly: Workforce development is important to our businesses and to the growth and development of our country. We should all be seeking the most effective strategies that will help us achieve both. The more employers involved, the more effective BLU will be as a vehicle for change for us all.