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Jeffrey Connor-Naylor   ·  

100+ Businesses Urge Congress to Invest in Skills Training

In a show of strong business support, more than 100 businesses and business associations have signed a letter organized by Business Leaders United calling on Congress to prioritize workforce development funding in the 2025 federal budget. The letter, sent to Congressional leadership on September 12, urges robust investments in workforce programs that are critical for addressing the skills mismatch and preparing for future labor market demands. 

Investing in Skills to Meet Business Needs 

Businesses are facing a range of workforce challenges - from an aging workforce to increased competition for talent – and the need for industry-aligned training programs is palpable. The letterexplains how workforce programs provide essential skills training, which is crucial for employers struggling to fill job vacancies. 

Recent polling by National Skills Coalition shows that 82% of voters supporting increased government funding for skills trainingThe letter emphasized the broad public and industry support for these programs. 

Key Policy Requests: Ensuring Adequate Funding and Expanding Access 

The sign-on letter specifically calls on Congress to: 

  • Fund federal workforce programs at robust funding levels. Workforce programs are crucial for providing industry-aligned training and education and must be funded without reducing current levels.  

  • Provide dedicated funding for industry or sector partnerships. Partnerships are key strategies for tailoring training to employers' needs and providing workers with the necessary training and supportive services to complete programs and be successful on the job.  

  • Expand Pell Grants to high-quality short-term training programs. Expansion of Pell Grants to include industry-driven short-term workforce training programs will allow workers to develop skills quickly, meeting employers' needs to fill current job openings and supporting workers’ economic mobility and growth.  

These targeted investments are crucial not only for employers but also for workers looking to advance their careers and access stable, high-quality jobs. 

As federal spending decisions are made for fiscal year 2025, BLU and its partners are committed to working with policymakers to ensure that both businesses and workers can thrive in a rapidly changing economy.